Without charity there is no salvation

Spiritism, as formulated by Allan Kardec, is a philosophical and religious doctrine that discuss the existence of spirits and their communication with the living world. Kardec developed Spiritism through a series of writings and communications with spirits during the 19th century. 

Our mission is to communicate the importance of the teachings contained within the spiritist doctrine, as well as to provide opportunities for spiritual and moral growth through the application of the knowledge and principles presented by the spiritist doctrine. Charity is kindness, it is love; and the instruction given by the spirits to practice charity is the basis of their doctrine.

We believe that by educating ourselves, we improve ourselves.

Join our in-person public meetings in Bellevue

Study of the Gospel According to Spiritism

Sunday is the day of our in-person public meeting, with study of the Gospel According to Spiritism, followed by prayer and passing. The activity is free and everyone is welcome. Come join us, your presence will make a difference!

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Your donations fuel our mission of spreading Spiritism’s teachings. With your support, we can continue educating and enlightening others. Every contribution, big or small, helps sustain our vital work.

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To support the Spiritist Study Group of Seattle with its charitable and educational endeavors, use @Zelle: ssgseattle@gmail.com