In Spiritism, there are various forms of charity
- Material Assistance: Providing aid like food, clothing, shelter, and medical help is crucial in Spiritism, supporting both material and emotional needs.
- Spiritual Assistance: Supporting individuals spiritually by communicating with spirits through mediums, offering guidance and comfort.
- Fraternity and Solidarity: Emphasizing unity among all individuals regardless of differences, extending support to those facing challenges.
- Education and Moral Improvement: Promoting moral and spiritual growth through educational programs, fostering virtues like love and compassion.
- Spiritual Healing (Passes): Addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances through prayer, energy work, and spiritual intervention, promoting holistic well-being.
Within the SSGS, your support can extend to
various charitable initiatives, including:
Donate items
Donate money
Donate time
We’re now accepting Zelle® transfers, cash and check
To support the Spiritist Study Group of Seattle with its charitable and educational endeavors, use @Zelle:
Your contributions allow us to plan our expenses appropriately
and keep our activities functional.
At SSGS, all volunteers dedicate their time without financial benefit. The Spiritist Study Group of Seattle is a 501 c3 non-profit organization and all our services and educational activities are offered at no cost to the public (EIN # 93-2425716)